Team AcuTherapy Onsite often Outdoors aka TAO (as in The Way) is both the new kid on the block and many thousands of years old - the offspring of the ancient wisdom and art forms of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. It has stood the test of time and discerned and distilled the most precious bits into a gentle, pragmatic, empowering PRACTICE in Well-Being.

Bring TAO to your organization, community, team or club.

It dons the benefits of meditation without the learning curve, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, inviting the body to redirect resources, circulation, hormone balance to restoration activities rather than Fight or Flight.

It’s potential benefits are many including:

easing chronic pain

reduced burnout

easing anxiety and depression

supporting recovery

boosting immune system function

speeding healing

improving sleep and digestion

nourishing connection and belonging


The costs are low, group treatments are economical as well as more practical, more playful, more empowering, more effective.

Well-grounded, balanced, resilient beings are who we all want to share our earth with. Be a change leader. Let your organization lead The Way in creating a kinder, gentler, more connected world