Blue Dot Well is an invitation into curiosity.

It is a space, in time and place, to step outside ordinary life; to slow down, notice, declutter the mind, be inspired, connect, and cultivate resiliency.  

Using a variety of simple tools, we nurture the ecology and economy of well-being. We awaken the senses, enliven the body, nurture agency, let go of that which no longer serves life and practice, over and over, living this one precious life fully, here and now.

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And in the process we often become more open, more compassionate, more innovative, better teammates, in the zone, more patient, and even more curious.

The “Blue Dot” is in reference to the Earth (Carl Sagan). Active participation in exploring the relationships in the ecosystem and devoting time and attention to picking up trash, reusing, recycling or composting everything we can, or choosing more fuel efficient transportation or conserving resources.

Welcoming the awe and wonder that is ever-present for our nourishment is beneficial in like fashion to actively participating in caring for our own human nature, fully living in our amazing bodies, awakening to the sensations of energies where they meet and intermingle and inviting simple pleasures to fill us up. Maintaining balance and harmony in the ecosystem is equally important microcosmically and macrocosmically. Blue Dot Well is about both, which are really just one.

The strength of any one practice experience is more palpable within the context of a small group of participants. Additionally, participants are more likely to return with therapeutic regularity when they are sharing the space with a safe group with shared intentions.

Lasting therapeutic benefit is derived of many exposures to this very gentle energetic nourishment. It comes from making a habit of devoting time in the day to replenish the WELL that energy is drawn from. It comes from practicing over and over, slowing down, tuning into breath, inviting the calming influences of nature to soothe the senses. In this way we increase heart rate variability and build resiliency. More often is better.